
GVARC is the Garlic Valley Amateur Radio Club.

GVARC members live primarily the Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy, and Hollister areas of Northern California.

The purpose of our ham radio club is to learn about amateur radio and to train for, and be able to operate, amateur radios in a time of need or emergency.  GVARC members participate in various local EMCOMM (Emergency Communications), and Community service capacities, such as the Morgan Hill Independence Day Parade and associated activities, the annual Gilroy Rodeo, Community CERT drills, the Tierra Bella bicycle tour, and other events.

GVARC conducts a weekly “net” on Tuesdays at 1930 (7:30 PM) hours on the W6GGF VHF repeater.  W6GGF UHF is also often linked to W6GGF VHF so we may run the net with both repeaters.  Nets are also conducted via simplex with operator relays as practice.

Everyone is welcome to join us on the Tuesday net.  Simply tune into the net frequency and wait for the control operator to call for guests.  Once you have checked into the net for the first time, you are no longer a guest!

The Club meets for a business meeting the last Saturday of each month. If you are already a member of the club you will receive a meeting notice with the Zoom login information. If you are in the process of joining please send an email to info@gvarc.net and we will send you an invite to the meeting.